The Edit Account Codes option allows you to apply account codes to one or multiple expense items. This option alleviates the need to code expense items one-by-one if some or all items will have the same account code structure.
1. Locate a transaction and click the Edit Account Codes icon.
2. The Edit Account Code page opens; use the accounts coding fields to modify the accounts coding value for the selected transaction.
You can add multiple descriptions to one transaction. For example, if you enter “Client Lunch” and save the Edit Account Code page, return to the page and enter another description. The new note will be added to the previous one. For example, “Client Lunch. Renaissance Hotel”. This is useful if you save the transaction, but left out details on the Purpose description.
The naming of the drop-down is dependent on the merchant category code (MCC) assigned to the transaction. For example, if the transaction takes place at a hotel, a Hotel Data drop-down displays. If the transaction is related to an airline, an Airfare drop-down will display.
3. On the Apply Selected Coding Segments to selected Line Items on Expense Report field, select the Yes radio button.
4. This opens the account code fields and the transactions in the table below for selection. Select your account code structure and then select the transactions to apply the structure. You can apply the entire account code structure to each transaction, or specific values. For example, in the image below, the Cost Type and Account code values will apply to the expense items selected. Click Save & Return when finished.
5. You will be returned to the Edit Expense Report page and your account codes will apply to the expense items selected. If a note was added in the Purpose field, it will display in the Expense Description line within the Detail view of the expense item.