The Split Account Codes option allows you to split account codes on one or multiple expense items. Use this option if the expense item total can be applied to different accounts within your company, such as a different division or department.

1. Locate an expense item, then click the Split Account Code icon split account code icon.

click split account codes icon

2. The Split Account Code page opens; use the account coding fields to modify the accounts coding values for the selected expense item.

split account code page

split account code purpose field
product data on split account code page

3. Add the split using either the Split Percent or Split Amount field. Enter a split value between 0 and 1 in the Split Percent field (for example, .5 for 50%). Enter the split value in dollars and cents or a whole number in the Split Amount field. Continue adding splits until the sum of all splits equal the total amount of the expense item.

4. Click Add Split when finished. To make changes to a split, click Edit. To remove a split, click Delete.

split account code added

5. On the Apply Split Coding to Selected Items on Expense Report field, select the Yes radio button. This opens the expense items below for selection, which allows you to apply the splits to other expense items. For example, in the image below, the splits will apply to the Hotel expense item. Since this expense item is split down the middle (50/50), the Hotel expense item will be split down the middle as well.

6. Click Save & Return when finished.

apply account code split to multiple transactions

7. Return to the Expense Items table and change the view to Detail. You can see the note added in the Purpose field appears in the Expense Description line. Split account code values appear in the Account Code line separated by a comma. Any values entered in the Coding Note field will display in the Approver’s view of the expense report.

detail view of split account code

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