If you are set up to approve card service requests, follow these steps.
1. Select Travel & Expense > Card Service Request Approvals.
Note: You can also access card service request approvals from your Task pane in the Dashboard.
2. The Card Service Requests to Approve page contains each request requiring your review. Select the checkbox for a request(s) and then click either Approve or Decline. If there are multiple approvers in the approval route, you can click Return to send a request back to the previous approver.
Note: Click the Reference No. to review details on a request.
3. Click OK on the confirmation popup.
Note: If you decline a request, you will need to enter a reason for your decline.
4. The request is approved and removed from the list. The requestor will receive a message notifying them of your approval. If there is an approval chain, the next user in the chain will receive a notification message telling them they need to approve the request.